Monday, December 14, 2009

Another Pen Find. 60 more land in Syracuse

This pile landed in Syracuse same week as the somewhat heftier pen pile I posted yesterday.

Some nice stuff by Chilton, Sheaffer, Parker, Waterman and others.  Lots of humble material, but when a collection arrives, one usually grabs the bunch.  Best pen in bunch is the big Chilton Black Lined with red end plugs.



Sunday, December 13, 2009

I found some pens.

I used to wish I could find old pens in... quantity

These days it happens time to time. Always fun.

This bunch plopped onto my desk. What could I do?  I bought 'em. 120 or so.

Then there's the other 60 or so from a third collection, but that's a tale for another day.



Saturday, December 12, 2009

WEBSITE UPDATE: 50 Old Pens Freshly Listed at

Yes, I know. No posts here in ten days.  Well, my newly upgraded hospital shifts have been clobbering me. But, I did manage to get the latest website update online. 50 grand old pens.  Gem Vacumatic, Balance, Lady Sheaffer, Snorkel and more.

Have a peek at a bit of what's been added.




Oh yeah... even a modern-ish Omas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

VIDEO and Pic. Happy Red Sheaffer David.


Just picked up a truly grand wee pen set, a 1920's Sheaffer flat-top "Cherry Red" celluloid Pygmy. Have wanted one a long time. Hard to find clean. This one pops.

Details and shmooze in this very rough rushed video shot with my usual 7MP Sony, just before  I raced out the door to work. The video should open in your browser, though you likely will need a fast connection and time for your buffer to... buff.

LINK To Sheaffer Red Pygmy Video

 And, the Pgymy set on a Sheaffer Cherry Red Secretary (Senior) Pen.