Friday, July 31, 2009

A 1935 Vacumatic with Duofold cap? An email...

This arrived today...

Dear David,

I have a small vacumatic composed of an early vac barrel (slender junior w/ longitudinal windows) and a black streamlined lady duofold ring-top cap. I bought this pen a few years ago both because of its strangeness and because it is actually quite lovely (and was cheap). I have always wondered if it could be an original Parker creation instead of an interesting frankenpen. I know that Parker sometimes assembled vacs by mixing parts from old and new stock, but doing so across models seems on the face of it unlikely. I'd appreciate any thoughts you have about this pen, if you have the time (if you don't, I won't bug you for a reply!)... snip (followed by measurements etc)

Ahhh, the unanswerable challenge...

Go prove a pen company couldn't have done something at some time for some reason :)

The simple answer is that the pen indeed is a mix, though one possibly NOT involving a Duofold, proper, cap.

The philosphical/contextual issues offer the greater challenge.

It is known that Parker (and others) manufactured items unknown to any catalogue today in our possession. It is known that Parker- if we can believe those date code markings- issued some pens, perhaps consuming leftover parts or marking replacement barrels at time of use- at dates far later than catalogues lead us to believe. A Mandarin Duofold Sr. with 1941 barrel stamp comes to mind, dating some 10 years after final catalogue appearance.

The earliest Vacumatic family pen- Golden Arrow- had Vacumatic style parts. No Duofold-like parts even on the earliest releases, though no doubt odd parts could have been used on 1932 prototypes. It is asking perhaps too much to assume that a 1935 Vac with a fairly generic double-band economy-line cap (which was used from late 1933 through at least 1938) would have required a cap from an entirely different line.

As you suggest, first Generation Vacs (lockdown) pens had fairly generic threads. Offhand, I'd guess that one could fit caps to your pen barrel from Vacumatic economy line Slender Junior (your pen), high line Slender (triple band), Toothbrush Duofold Slender, Slender models of all three lines of Challenger, Slender Parkette Deluxe, Duofold Juniorette (what you suspected here), and... a number of so-called Parker "Thrift" model, that last group often somewhat poorly characterized. Thus, absent a cap, many donors are available.

We do not assume a mixed pen represents an original product, though one of course can counter, "hey, you never know". But, even IF we never know, even an item that could have been originally mixed, has little cachet for that, if any of us can mix the same thing ourselves with little difficulty.

Finally, I'm not certain (but don't rule out) that your donor cap is Duofold Juniorette. I'd have to pull my catalogues, but suspect that the Juniorette caps had three bands. Your cap might be from a lower line pen catalogued in 1929 as a "Raven Black and Gold" pen, often now called THE Raven by collectors.

That aside, you have some useful parts there. 1935 Junior barrels with longitudinal clarity are hard to find clean.

Back in stock: "Vacumania" 64-pen travel cases

I just received more of my favorite pen cases. These hold 64 pens very securely while allowing easy access. They can handle large vintage pens with ease; they are what I use to transport 300-400 pens to pen shows, allowing me to set up and break down my table in less than two minutes.

Not only does each of these have a smaller footprint than equivalent storage with two of the common 32-pen cases, but the pens are well more secure, due to the design flaw found in the 32 pen cases, a low-rise "pad" at end of the storage slots, which allows slippage. The cases cost $100 + $12 shipping in USA. Express International Shipping tends to run about $50.

Here is the link to the rather indulgent web page I composed for these.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

VACUMANIA at the Washington DC Supershow

I will be at the Washington DC "Supershow" next week. Probably my 8th or 9th visit. Should be there Wed eve through at least Sat night, though not wholly sure will be there Sunday, though probably will be for a bit in the morning.

I should have... 400... old pens in tow, restored and nicely working.

If there is something from the website you seek- particularly cased sets which I tend not to bring- please drop me an email at We can meet at the show :)

Happy to answer questions about the show in particular or about the pen shows in general. Key thing is to bring plenty of cash, as it tends not to last very long.

This link has some old reviews I scrawled of couple other pen shows way back when.

Anyone else going? Goals?

Welcome to the "Vac Blog" at

Welcome to the "Vac Blog" at

I receive frequent email messages regarding old pens. Given the plethora of blogging tools now available easing the process of blog creation, it seemed time to open up some of these conversations to a broader audience. No worries... if you email me privately with any question or comment, your name will not be used without your say so. Direct emails provide ideas for discussion; their privacy is respected.

This blog will serve- at least for now- a few purposes. It will allow public discussion of pen questions that head my way. A frequent "bits and buckets" thread will open up the floor to questions and observations, some of which in turn will become their own threads, assuming anyone bothers to post anything. Finally, I will post website news, announcements and update information here, though perhaps those will be better served on a dedicated non-interactive web page. Time will tell.

Please be patient regarding posts. The blog is fully moderated, meaning I will clear each post before it appears. All save the malicious will appear, no worries. Comments can be anonymous, though your choosing a handle would be appreciated. Generally I check in a few times each day, but hey, vacations happen. The goal for the blog is not to serve as yet another newsgroup or real-time discussion board for pendom. There are plenty of those, and I don't wish to compete with the Zosslist et al. Exploration of specific pen issues and notifications regarding the the website are the goals. Still... evolution of that goal set might happen.

I've set comments to appear by clicking on the... comments link... at bottom of each post, which will open a post/response page. This way, discussion of each subject receives a dedicate page, assuming again of course anyone bothers to respond. The main post will be visible with the related responses.

Comments are invited, obviously :)

Best Regards,

David Isaacson