Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 2010 Vacumania Website Update is Online. Snorkel Overload


The May 2010 website update is online.  50 or so Sheaffer Snorks and related pens (PFM, TM TD) in great shape, including high end models and "rare" colors.

Direct link to the new stock alone:

Direct link to the Sheaffer 1950's page, showing the above pens plus prior related stock, newly organized (albeit roughly by either model class or color)

The Vacumania home page

Thanks for peeking in. I doubt I'll do another 1950's Sheaffer update of this sort anytime soon, as this drains most of my lurking stock, though pens of this sort always trickle in.  I am at work on another Parker 51 update similar to the Dec 08 "230 pen" update and am at work on pendom's overwhelmingly most massive offering of 1940's Sheaffers, though both these updates are months off.

Happy to answer questions at and indeed shortly should for first time have an email at the address itself.

Boy, I'm tired.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PREVIEW: May 2010 Website Sales Update: "Snorkel Mayhem"

Well, the last Update took 4 months to get online. This one... merely a month. I'm catching up on "real life" and on pen stuff. Spent a few nights up last week sorting 1000 old pens either ready for updates, back from restorers awaiting focused updates, ready for shipment for restoration, or (sob) ready for the parts bin. The house gains order.

Anway, this update features a killer focus on 1950's Sheaffers, largely Snorks (including better models and colors of high cachet). The Peris already were claimed from want lists (two of four want lists with them now served).  I should have the update online in couple days and will announce.

Meanwhile, please peruse the image preview.


david isaacson

Saturday, May 8, 2010

What can I say, all in three weeks, and one on the way. Happy David.

None in couple-few years, then these in a month, with one more on the way. You know what they are, right?  Two Parker Vacuum-Filler true Demonstrators, and a Vacumatic "Crystal".    El Zorno does good work, though I shall have to give him some grief (cheerful grief) about the middle pen. Clearly, something needs trimming there. 

Yeah, everyone wants Maximas. No worries- I  too like Maximas. But this stuff is grand.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Grand Time at Chicago Pen Show

No pics yet...

Been quite a week. Left work after long run of night shifts for flight two hours later. Brutal turbulence both to layover at JFK and final leg to Chicago for the big pen show. At least I enjoyed couple hours down time in Jet Blue's JFK terminal at Deep Blue, a quite nice sushi bar. Lack of sleep, Caffeine withdrawal, bouncing plane and funny sleeping angle in airplane seat left me well under weather when I arrived at the Westin O'Hare late at 6pm. Slept all night.

As always great to see the pen show crowd though a bit smaller this year than in years past. The most different Esterbrook wedding tonight marked a high point, and Joel Hamilton's work officiating raised the possibility that he missed his true calling.

Even having missed the earliest of early trading (Thurs, while still I was in the air), so far I've found that Chicago has held its own as a top notch source for pen hunting. I found a few for my collection and more than a few for other use down the road ;)   Might be my best hunting yet at Chi.

What sort?

Sheaffer OS Balance "super" Autograph with non-catalog extra wide solid gold cap-band.
Several OS Balances including Marine Green (mottled) Marine Green Autograph and Black with high flex nib.

Wahl OS Gold Seal flattop sets in Brazilian Green and in Black/Pearl
Wahl Coronet set (with Duobonnet inserts) in the best shape i've seen, never mind owned.

Oh, a bunch of Vacumatic Maximae, Red (water clear barrel), Blue, Black(s) and Green
Vacumatic Major and Junior with Flex Nib

Non-Catalog Parker 51 Vacumatic in Navy Gray (Vac era pens were catalogued as Dove Gray)... oh yeah, Near Mint/Mint

51 Demo

Black/Burgundy Streamline Duofold Sr.

Bit uncommon stubby Waterman 55-V with flex nib

Wahl Skyline Executive with broad stub nib.

Solid Gold Sheaffer Snorkel Masterpiece (finally)

all gold-filled Sheaffer Snorkel Triumph stickered near mint

Conway Stewart vintage 51 set in box. Candy Stripe pattern

Solid Gold late Sheaffer Masterpiece

Mint Sheaffer Oblique Broad Triumph nib

Many 1940's Sheaffers, Parker 51's, Vacumatics etc.

and about 70 others.

Having great time. Who knows, perhaps tomorrow will sell a few to replenish the devastated wallet ;)

