Sunday, September 13, 2009

Special Parker Find. 1930's "Toothbrush" Duofold with a Twist.

I was happy to acquire this set at the DC Pen Show this year-- a nice Parker "Toothbrush" Duofold set. Often called this by collectors as the geometric shape of the black pattern on pearlescent background evokes... well.. toothbrushes, this one-year model has a healthy collector following.

This set is scarce. It packs the uncatalogued so-called "Jeweler's" cap-band, a lined wide cap-band found amongst: this model, "Striped" Duofold and Vacumatic. This cap-band is by far most infrequently found amongst the "Toothbrush" pens.

While it is in decent condition, this slender set has a bit more ambering to the pale gray celluloid than is shown in the image. But, the trim is very clean, not easy to find on pens with chrome trim, and of added benefit when found on an uncommon variant such as this.

I doubt I've seen or handled more than ten total wide-band Toothbrush Duofolds amongst all four colors, both sizes, and both modes. And, I hunt with great intensity. This one will stay with me for a bit :)


  1. Hi David,

    That's a very nice set, with several unusual features. First, the Geometric was essentially a one year model, made in 1939. The wide Jeweler's Band is great looking, as you noted. Then on top of it, the pen is a "reverse trim" pen, with chrome hardware on a brown pen. Very nice all around.

    John Danza

  2. Hi John,

    Ahhh... I wish I could agree with the "reverse trim". I have a fairly bright monitor so my pics- tweaked for my monitor- tend to be a bit dark on some monitors. The pen is a somewhat ambered gray pen, not brown. Indeed in person the "ambering" has a yellow cast (as seen on some gray pens) rather than brown, but I concur it has brownish flavor in this shot.

    So, it is a decent gray pearl pen with clean trim and some ambering, but not the- I would agree- far more charming reverse trim (white trim on non gray pen). I actually have yet to see a reverse trim "Toothbrush" Duofold, but hope someday to find one.



  3. Hi David,

    Thanks for the clarification. It didn't really come through on my monitor as a discolored gray pen. It's still nice looking!


  4. No worries :)

    Still, it really isn't so bad. Think the monitor differences might contribute a bit to the appearance. I'll have to bring it to our next shared pen show.


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